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Pound Swiss Franc Rate Today - GBP CHF

Here is the Pound Swiss Franc currency rates page, displaying the Pound to Swiss Franc exchange rates live updated every few seconds according to the live forex rates data. Also included are the GBP CHF historical charts...

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GBP CHF Currency Rates Today

GBP/CHF -0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
1.14006 -0.22% 1.13812 1.14423 1.14255

Some more live Pound (GBP) currency rates are displayed below. All live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and use live currency rates data.

Live Currency Rates Today (Forex Rates)

Forex Value Last Daily Change Updated
GBP AUD 2.04707 2.05255 -0.01 -0.27% 17:31:06
GBP CAD 1.84012 1.84769 -0.01 -0.41% 17:31:06
GBP CHF 1.14006 1.14255 -0 -0.22% 17:31:06
GBP EUR 1.19783 1.19988 -0 -0.17% 17:31:06
GBP ILS 4.75436 4.74598 +0.01 +0.18% 17:31:06
GBP JPY 194.08983 194.09995 -0.01 -0.01% 17:31:06
GBP NOK 13.59522 13.62006 -0.02 -0.18% 17:31:06
GBP NZD 2.24847 2.25797 -0.01 -0.42% 17:31:06
GBP PLN 5.01512 4.99856 +0.02 +0.33% 17:31:06
GBP SEK 12.95925 12.99552 -0.04 -0.28% 17:31:06
GBP SGD 1.72694 1.72962 -0 -0.15% 17:31:06
GBP USD 1.28838 1.29447 -0.01 -0.47% 17:31:06
GBP ZAR 23.54389 23.66274 -0.12 -0.5% 17:31:06